2430 S. Interstate 35 E #178 Denton, TX 76205

How Often Do You Need a Dental Cleaning?

Routine dental cleanings are crucial for maintaining your oral health and preventing dental conditions such as decay. But how often you need a dental cleaning in Denton, TX, isn’t always obvious. Because each patient is different, each mouth may need a different hygiene schedule. Some patients may only need a cleaning twice a year. Others may need up to four visits a year. And your hygiene schedule could change as time goes on. When you see your dentist for your first visit, they’ll assess your oral health to determine which cleaning schedule is best for you.

how often you need a dental cleaning in Denton, TX, isn’t always obvious.

When to Get a Dental Cleaning in Denton, TX

There are many conditions which can affect how frequently we need a dental cleaning. Our at-home oral hygiene routine tends to hold the most weight. However, other factors such as certain medical conditions or medications could also affect our schedule. While your dentist may create a unique cleaning schedule just for you, most patients fall into one of three cleaning categories.

Every Six Months

Patients who have good oral health and strong gums will likely only need a cleaning every six months. While it’s okay to miss a few weeks, it’s crucial to stick to your schedule as much as possible. Brushing and flossing can help remove most plaque and harmful bacteria, but it’s nearly impossible to remove all without professional tools and techniques. Six months is around the time plaque buildup can start to cause serious issues if not treated. Seeing your dentist twice a year can help keep decay and damage at bay.

Every Four Months

Some patients may need an additional cleaning each month. This can be caused by medical conditions such as dry mouth or just a genetic predisposition for increased plaque buildup. While you may be on a four-month schedule for life, there are times when this additional cleaning is only needed temporarily. For example, it’s often recommended to get a third cleaning each year if you are pregnant. Taking certain medications can also affect your cleaning schedule only while taking them.

Every Three Months

For patients who have had advanced gum disease, deep pockets in the gum line are increasingly difficult to clean properly. Many dentists recommend periodontal maintenance appointments between your routine cleanings. These can help ensure your gums stay healthy and prevent the return of disease.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had a cleaning, your oral health could be at risk. Give us a call today at 940-329-4605 to schedule an appointment and get back on track with your oral hygiene.